November 14, 2005

Non-Physical Aspects of Being Daddy's Girl

In our relationship, a large part of what we do is psychological rather than physical. Making the decision to live this lifestyle is much more than committing to the physical aspects. It involves a mindset that is completely opposite to everything we are taught about growing up and the need to become independant, self-reliant adults.

I am not an independant self-reliant adult. That does not mean I do not have that capacity but it means I choose not to use it. I have, in my life, been completely independant, before I married Daddy. But since then I have chosen to give him control over many things the average woman decides for herself.

I ask Daddy's permission to go out. He decides what I will wear and what I will eat. He decides when I am required to have a nap. I ask his permission to have a snack.

Much of this is purely psychological. Daddy has never told me no, that I may not have a snack. Never once. And yet I ask every time and do not assume he will say yes. I prepare myself to accept his decisions in every case. I do not always agree with him or like what he decides. (I have also learned that arguing or disobeying Daddy is very unwise. Something to consider while looking at the pattern on the floor, upturned over his knee.)

Discipline, even, is not all physical. Although I am usually spanked when I am disobedient, forgetful, or misbehaved, there are other parts of discipline that are very much a part of Daddy's repertoire. (It should also be noted that spanking is not the ONLY physical discipline in his arsenal either, but I'll talk about that another time.)

Non-physical discipline includes other types of restictions or requirements. For example, I have sometimes been grounded for punishment. Being grounded means I am not allowed to accept invitations from friends to social events. When grounded, I am only allowed to go out for work or household chores (like grocery shopping). I HATE being grounded.

I have sometimes been required to write essays for Daddy about my misbehaviour.

I am sometimes sent to my room, or required to take a nap or go to bed early when he feels I am being grouchy. This is something I particularly loathe. There was one incident I may never forget when I was spanked for being mouthy and sent to bed at 4:30 in the afternoon. That was torturous!! When I am sent to bed I am not allowed to read, watch television, talk on the telephone, or do ANYTHING but lie quietly. It is also humiliating when people phone and I hear Daddy's voice say, "She's gone to bed for the night," knowing that people are going to ask me why I went to bed so early.

Another (sort of) non-physical aspect of discipline, for us, is sexual. When I am being punished for a serious misbehaviour, I am often not permitted to have any sexual climax. He might touch me, tease me, bring me close, and leave me shaking and gasping and beggin, but will not let me climax. And that's another rule in our house. I am not allowed to reach climax, EVER, without Daddy's permission.

Sometimes I am sent to the corner to "think", another form of non-physical discipline. It is often accompanied by physical discipline, and often the thinking is meant to be time to consider the fate of my bottom so I can get good and scared before he punishes me.

There have also been times when I have diapered as punishment. This is part of a whole "experience" of being little by force. It means that Daddy takes me down from feeling like a little girl, to feeling like an infant. It's a psychological experience and it has always been decreed as a result of forgetting my place as his little girl and trying to be too adult. For example, this happened once when I made a decision to take a job without talking to Daddy about it first.

He said that although he would have supported my wishes, this was the kind of thing that demonstrated me forgetting my place as his little girl and his place as my Daddy.

So, I was assigned a weekend of being a baby in all ways. This meant not being allowed to use my computer or do anything adult like that. I was allowed to watch children's movies and colour and draw. I was not allowed to drink coffee (that might have been the worst part!) and instead I was given juice in a bottle. I had to eat babyfood he made for me in the blender (yuck!!!), I was diapered the entire time, and made to take naps.

These kinds of events in our life reinforce our roles and bring up enormously conflicting emotions within me. I am sexually aroused by being treated this way, even as I am simultaneously embarrassed and uncomfortable with it. And Daddy knows just how to exploit those feelings.

Little things like this. On Saturday night we went for dinner with friends. Waiting in line for a table, I mentioned to my girlfriend that I had been feeling a little under the weather that day. Daddy said, "We'd better hope you don't have a temperature," and brushed his hand across my bottom. When he says and does these little things I know exactly what he means. While the friends notice nothing and move on to new topics of conversation, I am smiling falsely, pretending to listen, while my head is suddenly filled with images of Daddy's nasty rectal thermometer and big jar of vaseline!!

I have wandered way off my original topic. Non-physical aspects of being Daddy's girl. The physical and the psychological overlap very sweetly. Little touches that mean nothing in the vanilla world are filled with promise and nervous tingles. Little remarks that are easily breezed by, linger in my ears, and make my blood rush in my ears.


Blogger Ice_Princess said...

I have to say your blog is really interesting. I read the whole page. I will try and make it back in the future to read other posts. Have you guys heard about taken in hand? A friend of mine mentioned it to me in passing, apparently it's some kind of movement at

November 15, 2005  
Blogger Ireland's daughter said...

Hello snarky, hello ice princess! Thanks for stopping by and sorry I've been slow at answering.

I'm kind of torn about the idea of visual posts, myself. I mean, there's something really exciting about the idea of it in fantasy. But in reality it has potential to be extremely embarrassing!

I don't want him to be thinking about adding just the right amount of colour for the picture while he's spanking me! And the competitive spirit he's got just frightens me. Besides, I'm not accustomed to not knowing who's looking at my backside!

ice princess, I went to see Taken in Hand and found it very interesting. I think Daddy ought to send them some of his writings. I will definitely go back to read more. It's always so interesting to find other people who understand and appreciate the lifestyle we have chosen. We're not "connected" to other people who live like we do, except through the internet, so I enjoy reading whatever I can find. Thanks for the information!

November 21, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ik heb geen daddy maar wel een oudere zus die mij opvoedde ik kreeg vaak een pak op mijn billen ook wel eens bloot en kreeg wel eens voor straf een week lang elke ochtend een thermometer in mijn bips en de billenkoek was hard maar de thermometer vernederend op mijn rug bloot benen omhoog

August 14, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ik had en buurjongen die vaak oppaste als ik ziek was en mijn moeder had niks met een thermometer maar hij wel, ik moest 4 x per dag over de knie en deed hij de thermometer in mijn blote bibs leuk vond ik het niet maar begreep het wel, de laatste x was ik 13

December 23, 2012  

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